Buying a car out of state can open you up to all new possibilities. Better buyer incentives at out-of-state dealerships that your local dealerships aren’t offering. If you find a private seller out of state, there are more incentives and you are likely to find the exact make, model, and mileage that may not be available at home. Before you make your purchase, make sure you do your research; especially if the vehicle has had previous owners. Before I bought my new car, I did consult with the lead auto accident lawyer in our office. This was just to make sure I was doing everything that was necessary and had the correct information. and seeing so many cars on my commute to work, I wanted to do a post about the protocols of purchasing a car out of state. If you are suffering from injuries, do not hesitate to contact an injury attorney in our office. Consultations are free!
Injury Attorney | Buying an Out-of-State Car
The first thing you want to do when purchasing a car from out-of-state is to make sure you do the necessary research on the car. for example, if the car is used, you want to check to see the condition it is in. This includes if it was ever involved in areas that were heavily flooded or if it has been involved in any other natural disasters. This will help you to negotiate the price with the seller.
Know the State’s Requirements
If you purchase a car from out-of-state, you want to make sure you are aware of your state’s requirements. Not only that, but you will want to know the requirements of the state you are purchasing the vehicle from. This is because there are some extra things you need to consider and be aware of.
Smog & Emissions
A lot of states will require vehicles to pass smog checks and emissions inspections before they can be titled and registered. This is especially true of used and older model cars. If you purchase a car from a state the requires smog checks, check to see if the car already has a valid emissions inspection sticker. If this is the case, make sure that sticker is also valid in your home state.
However, if the inspection isn’t valid or accepted, you will most likely be required to bring the vehicle in for a smog check before you can title and register it.
Title & Registration
Usually when you purchase a car from a dealership the dealer handles the title and registration paperwork for you. That is no different should you purchase a car out-of-state. However, the paperwork is only temporary and you will need to title and register it in your home state upon returning.
If you purchase from a private seller, you will have to handle title and registration paperwork on your own. This can be more difficult as some may imagine. This is a delicate balance between working with the seller’s state’s DMV and yours.
Safety Inspections
Safety inspection requirements will vary by state. Some states will require them, while others will not. Some will require them before you title and register your vehicle.
Sales Taxes
This is interesting, because even though you purchase your car out-of-state, you will have to pay the sales tax to the state in which you register the car – your home state.
Sometimes, dealerships will handle the process for you and will pass along the sales tax information to your home state. However, you should always keep records that you paid the sales to show your state’s title and registration. Keep in mind the dealership you purchase your car at will likely calculate sales tax based on where they are located. So, it will be up to you to pay the difference when you register your vehicle.
However, if you buy your car from a private seller, you will have to pay the sales tax to your home state’s appropriate agency before you can title and register your car. Your home state’s DMV will advise you on the sales tax when you do so.
Car Insurance
The best piece of advice we can give you if you buy an out-of-state car is to call your car insurance company first. Some insurance carriers put clauses in existing policies that cover newly purchased vehicles for certain periods of time. in order to handle situations like this. Other insurance companies don’t and they will require you to purchase insurance on the out-of-state vehicle before you buy the car.
Nearly every state requires that you purchase car insurance when you buy a car. Make sure to check the laws in the state you are living in.
Injured? Contact an Auto Accident Lawyer Today!
Being injured in an accident can have a tremendous effect on your daily life. Contact us today to talk about your cause with an injury attorney in our office. Consultations with an auto accident lawyer are free!