Halloween is the start of the Holiday Season; or so it seems. Though Halloween is not technically classified as a holiday, it is a day that many look forward to all year. the candy, the costumes, getting dressed up and going door-to-door with friends and neighbors, and watching our children laugh and play with their friends; it’s a very fun and exciting time of year. Our injury attorney has put together some safety tips for this Halloween season. As an injury attorney, we wish you a happy Halloween!
We have put together some Halloween Night Safety Tips for those who will be out and about this Halloween!
Have a Safe Halloween!
- Make sure every child under the age of 13 is accompanied by an adult.
- If you are trick-or-treating in a busy neighborhood, make sure you cross at street corners and use traffic signals and crosswalks.
- I know everyone is going to want to take pictures of their children’s costumes, the haunted houses, etc. but when you are walking from house to house, put electronic devices down and keep your heads up as you cross the streets. Pedestrian related accidents have a tendency to double on Halloween Night.
- If you and your child(ren) are crossing the street, teach your child to make eye contact with the driver before crossing in front of them. This way the driver knows that you and your child have not only seen them, but you are acknowledging them as as well.
- Always make sure that you are walking on the sidewalk or clear paths. Try not to walk in the street – as it will make it more difficult for drivers to get around you.
- Go trick-or-treating in groups. This is especially important for older children who may not be accompanied by an adult. Sticking with a group and/or implementing the “buddy system” is a good way to be safe.
- Watch out for cars that are turning around or backing up.
- Don’t dart out into the street and make sure that children look both ways before crossing.
- Carry a flashlight or use your flashlight on your phone.
Injury Attorney | Halloween Safety Tips
- If you are driving, remember to slow down and be alert in residential neighborhood. Children can oftentimes be understandably excited about the festivities, and therefore can be unpredictable.
- Enter and exit driveways and alleys slowly and carefully.
- Drive slowly and prepare for heavy pedestrian traffic – even if there aren’t signs of it earlier on in the evening, be prepared for it when/if you decide to go out.
- Make sure to watch out for children in dark clothing – they can be pretty difficult to miss, but be extra cautious of it.
- Teach your children to never wander into a strangers home.
- Tell your children not to eat any of the candy until they get home and you can inspect it to make sure it is okay to eat.
Popular trick-or-treating hours are from 5:30pm to 9:30pm and it is important to be cautious at all times. Though it is supposed to be an evening of fun, laughter, dress-up, and candy; it is also much more important to be safe this Halloween.
We hope you have a fulfilled Halloween, with lots of laughter, candy, and some spooky good times.