Every time you take the road, you risk getting into an accident. While most people are able to get safely from one place to another, California roads see thousands of accidents every year. If you are ever in a car accident, you need to know what to do to protect yourself. And sometimes that means that you need to hire an accident lawyer.
Seek Immediate Medical Care
Immediately after an accident, unless the injury is severe, it can be difficult to determine if an injury has occurred. In many cases, especially if one vehicle is a motorcycle, it’s often best to call 911 immediately to ensure everyone gets the medical care they need. If anyone seems to be seriously injured, don’t attempt to move them unless they are in danger of being hit by another vehicle.
Trade Information
Those who aren’t injured severely should exchange contact and insurance information to expedite the claims process. If you have a cellphone camera with you, take pictures of the accident scene and the vehicles involved. Always wait for the police to arrive before leaving the scene to ensure they have all the information they need.
Contact Your Insurance Agent
The next call you should make is to your insurance company to report the accident. Provide all the relevant information, such as the location, who was driving, how many vehicles were involved, whether there were injuries and other pertinent facts. You should also provide the contact and insurance information you obtained from the others involved.
Talk to an Accident Lawyer
Any time you are in a serious accident, it’s important to talk to a lawyer about your rights. Fontana car accidents can often result in injuries, some of which can be quite severe and require appropriate compensation. an experienced car accident lawyer can tell you more about your chances of a successful case and obtaining a suitable settlement for your injuries. Your lawyer will need access to all of the information you have.
Over the years, the number of car accidents has reduced, despite the increasing number of cars on the road. Preparing yourself for the possibility and understanding what steps you should take will ensure you protect your interests if you are ever in a car accident.
If you have been injured in a car accident in the Fontana area, contact us. We can provide the representation you need to increase your chances of a successful outcome.