Having a Rancho Mirage personal injury attorney who cares about your case really does make a difference. Many times, after suffering from injuries in an accident, victims are taken advantage of by insurance companies. As personal injury attorneys who serve those who have been injured due to the negligence of another, we have seen the insurance companies take advantage of those who do not have an attorney who advocates for them.
Since opening our law firm in 2012, Silverthorne Attorneys has been able to recover multiple seven-figure settlements for our clients in Rancho Mirage. We take on a variety of personal injury cases that range from car accidents, dog bites, and even those who have lost loved ones in a wrongful death incident. When you are suffering, you need a team of people on your side that will not let you down and will do what is right for you and your family.
Contact Silverthorne Attorneys today to discuss your case. Consultations with one of our personal injury lawyers are free!
Be Wary of Insurance Companies
After an accident, it is very common for the at-fault party to be extremely friendly so that you do not file a claim. While this is nice, they cannot guarantee that they will pay for the medical expenses or lost wages due to your accident. However, not everything is said in earnest and not everything that is promised can be delivered.
You should never have to worry about bills going unpaid or worrying about finances for treatment when you are injured due to someone else. That is why having an accident lawyer on your side is so beneficial. We will handle the insurance companies and have no problem taking them on when they are being unfair about compensation.
Many times the insurance adjusters will try to approach you as soon as a claim is filed by their insured. They do this because they are going to try to get you to give them statements that make it seem that you are the one who is at-fault for the accident. Simply saying something as innocent as, “I am so sorry the accident happened and people were hurt” can be misconstrued as admitting fault. They use this tactic so they do not have to pay you the amount that you deserve.
Document Everything!
After you have been in an accident, you want to make sure that you document everything. And we mean everything. For instance, if you were involved in a car accident, our car accident lawyers suggest you document the following:
- Get as much information from the other driver as possible
- Driver’s license number, make, model, color, year of the car
- If you can, take a picture of the other cars involved in the accident;
- Driver’s license number, make, model, color, year of the car
- Take pictures of your car and the damage done to your vehicle;
- Take pictures of the injuries that you have sustained
- You want to make sure to take pictures of your injuries right after they happen. This will help when your car accident lawyer takes your claim to the insurance company and proves that you were seriously injured;
- Getting pictures of the scene of the accident is important as well. This is because you want to document the conditions of the road, what the weather was like, and what the surrounding areas were like at the time of the accident.
After, make sure you document how you are feeling. You will do this with the medical professionals who are treating you, but you also want to keep a journal of how you are feeling on a day-to-day basis. If you are unable to work because of your injuries, document it, etc.
When it comes to medical bills and records, police reports, etc. your car accident lawyer will take care of ordering those from the places that treated you. We put this all together and send it to the insurance company when you are finished with your treatment.
We wait until after your treatment is complete because we will not know the monetary worth of your case and how your injuries will affect you in the future until after you have finished treatment. Once we get everything together, we send our demand for settlement to the insurance company.
When you have been injured in an accident you need a team of personal injury lawyers on your side to advocate for your needs. Contact Silverthorne Attorneys today to discuss your case. Consultations with one of our attorneys are free!