According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, traffic accidents are the foremost cause of teenage death in the United States. Why are teens such a high risk group? This question will be answered by considering four important factors. Below, our car accident lawyer goes over the reasons why teens are prone to get into an accident.
Adults have spent hours on the road and have been exposed to a variety of traffic situations. as a result of this vast driving experience, their driving skills and reflexes are well honed. These long hours of driving also result in good instincts that enable them to recognize potentially dangerous situations.
Driving classes and tests required for a teen to get a license does not come close to the vast road experience adults have under their belt. This inexperience means that the unexpected are not second nature for teens. Inexperience causes teens to underestimate or even fail to recognize dangerous driving situations.
Lack of Maturity
Studies on brain development have established that the human brain does not fully mature until the mid-20s. the part of the brain that inhibits impulses and enables one to plan, make decisions, and form judgments does not fully develop until years later.
Teens are also more susceptible to peer pressure and are more likely to do something risky when friends are present than when they are alone. This is why the risk of getting into an accident is much greater when a teen driver has a number of teen passengers with him.
Proliferation of Distracting Technology
Mobile phone use by teens is growing every year. Constant connection is a part of the norm for teens these days. Mobile phone usage while driving is not limited to teens. Many adults also have this problem and have been in accidents as a result. However the teen’s lack of experience increases this risk.
Lack of Seat Belt Use
Roughly 55% of teens aged between 13 and 20 who died in car accidents in 2012 were not wearing seat belts. Seat belt use among teens is lower than any other age group. Seat belt use drops even further when teens in a car consume alcohol.
Contact a Car Accident Lawyer Today!
If you or a loved one has been injured in a Riverside car accident and have not been fairly compensated, contact us at Silverthorne Attorneys for a free consultation.