“Training your dog early will help to prevent dog bites,” says Lake Forest dog bite attorney, Silverthorne Attorneys. One dog bite can cause you to be sued and it is not something that should be taken lightly – especially with the California State Law that dictates that the owner of the dog is responsible for their animal at all times. as a Lake Forest dog bite lawyer, see all kinds of dog bite cases in our firm. We are here to help those who are suffering from injuries get the care and settlement they truly deserve.
So we have put together a few tips on how to teach your dog to stop biting.
Lake Forest Dog Bite Attorney | Stop the Behavior When they are Young
Puppies are naturally going to gnaw on things because they do teeth and because of curiosity. Still, you don’t want your dog nipping and biting from a young age and not grow out of it. Chewing on a toy is a lot different than chewing on a person.
Lake Forest Dog Bite Lawyer | Get Your Family in on Training
It is always a smart idea to get everyone in the family involved in training. This is because then your dog will not only feel like they are a part of the family unit, but then when they are doing something they are not supposed to be doing, they will listen to everyone and not just one or two people.
Lake Forest Dog Attack Attorney | Use Rewards With Training
Using positive reinforcement is very important when you are training your dog. Whether it be treats, a new toy, going for a walk, etc.
Lake Forest Dog Attack Lawyer | Avoid Aggressive Games
Games like tug-of-war are great, but it can also breed aggression. Try to avoid games where the dog feels they are in direct competition with humans or other dogs. Dogs respond to what we put out there.
If you have been injured by a dog and need a Lake Forest personal injury attorney to be your dog attack lawyer, contact us today. Consultations are free!
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