Year: 2015

facts & myths

Myths are powerful. Depending on the nature of these falsehoods, they may be harmless or can adversely affect people’s lives. When these myths are about car accidents and their aftermath, they increase your chances of getting into an accident, prolong your recovery from injury, and adversely affect your insurance payment…

impatient driving

For the past several weeks your daughter has been excited about a school field trip to the local museum. Wanting to enjoy this experience with her, you decided to take a half day off of work. and sign up as one of the parental chaperones. With the day having finally…

workplace injury

Since purchasing your new home in Orange County, to help pay the bills, you decided to pick up a second job on the weekends. After taking a part-time position as a daytime stocker at a local grocery store, your financial security has drastically improved.  Never being a minute late for…

get drunk drivers off the road

We know how dangerous it can be on the highway. Things can be much worse when a person who is drunk gets behind the wheel and puts their life and other people’s lives at risk. It seems that when you turn on the news or you read the news online,…

personal injury law

A personal injury generally refers to an injury or emotional distress caused by an intentional act or negligence. There are several types of personal injury cases. They include: Motor Vehicle Accident Millions of these accidents take place each year in the United States that cause a range of injuries such…

crumple zone

Crashworthiness is the science of preventing or reducing the severity of injuries suffered in a car crash. This is accomplished through safety devices and technology, better materials used in car manufacturing, and improved car design. the crashworthiness of a car is evaluated using computer modeling, car testing, and post accident…

pedestrian negligence

Many people think assigning fault in car accident cases is simple, especially in situations involving pedestrians. However, officers and courts look at various factors when trying to find out why a crash occurred. One is not guaranteed to gain compensation for injuries when struck by a car. When a collision…

door latch failure

One of the chief advantages that a car has over the motorcycle is that the occupants are protected by a cage. This cage is the end product of a great deal of engineering thought, design, and testing. the car itself is designed to minimize disturbance to the space occupied by…

post traumatic arthritis

When you are in a car accident, you may suffer injuries that are noticeable right away such as a broken leg or a concussion. but other injuries may take time to manifest. Our injury lawyer knows that one of those to manifest is post-traumatic arthritis. What is Post-Traumatic Arthritis? It…

injured ankle

Waiting by the entrance of the building, you eagerly search for your daughter amongst a crowd of bustling students. After a week-long business trip, you decided to pick her up from school and go out for some ice cream.  Surprised to find you waiting for her, with a bright smile…