dog attack lawyer

jealous dog

In the past, as a dog attack attorney in Orange County, we have discussed how to handle aggressive dogs. What some dog owners are unaware of, is sometimes bites happen because the dog is jealous. Whether there is a new baby or animal in the house, or if they feel…

meeting with dog bite lawyer

Suffering from a dog bite can be a traumatic experience for anyone. as a dog attack attorney, we always advise people to seek medical treatment right away. There are specific reasons why seeking treatment is important. as a dog attack lawyer, we will go into those reasons below. the most…

kid playing with dog

Most homes have dogs as part of their family. a dog attack attorney at Silverthorne Attorneys knows that dogs make wonderful companions when they are treated with respect. Most dogs are friendly. but we have seen, as a dog attack lawyer in Orange County, that there are some who bite….

dog bite

Every dog attack attorney in our office knows that animal bites are a more frequent occurrence these days. and that is due to the fact that more and more families have dogs. According to the numbers that our dog attack lawyer found, there are anywhere from two to five million…

great dane

As we talk more and more about dog bites, a dog attack attorney at Silverthorne Attorneys wants everyone to know that any dog is capable of attacking. as we have discussed before, dogs who lack training or discipline have the tendency to attack. the way dogs handle stressors, as dog…

dog at dog park

Many of the dog bite cases that come into our firm have to do with domesticated dogs. as a dog attack attorney in Orange County, we can tell you that this is not uncommon. Most dog bites happen in or around the home of the animal. as we have previously…

statistics on laptop

It may come as a bit of a surprise to some, but California has the highest number of dog bite claims in the U.S. That was not a surprise to the dog attack attorney’s in our office. Every dog attack lawyer at Silverthorne Attorneys knows that dog bites are costing…

dog attack

Injuries due to a dog bite are very serious. Not only for those who suffer from injuries. but for the owners of the animals as well. Though we do not want to blame the victim, as a dog attack attorney in Orange County, we want people to be alert. So,…

lawyers meeting

As a dog attack attorney in Orange County, we see all different kinds of dog bite cases. in fact, a lot of what we see as dog attack lawyers, are not just dog bites, but other injuries dogs cause. The California dog bite statute is to protect victims from dog…


A dog attack in Lincoln Heights that originally left a man with severe injuries has died. Reports state that two “pit-bull life” dogs mauled an elderly gentleman and his dog. Unfortunately the little dog died right away. While the victim, Valentin Herrera held on for as long as he could,…