Dog Bite

A mother and her two-year-old son were attacked by two dogs in Anaheim. According to the ABC7 News source, the two dogs escaped from a neighbors yard. Our dog attack lawyer reports that Samantha Bishop did her best to shield her young son from the attack. However, the dogs ended up biting him several times….


Friday, August 26th is National Dog Day! Today is the day we all celebrate the sweet pups of the present and past. the dogs that have become family members, those who have been our steady companions through all of our triumphs, our fears, our failures, and have heard us singing in…


It is not a secret that dogs and mailmen have had a rocky relationship. In fact, San Diego is tied for being the second most common city in the United States where U.S. Postal Workers have been bitten by dogs. Due to events like this, USPS  will be requiring online shoppers…

dog beach

Our dog bite lawyer reports that dog owners can now accompany their dogs without a leash at a small waterfront at the end of the Santa Ana River in Newport Beach. This changes a 41-year-old law that once prevented dogs from roaming free around the shore. This will be the second…

catahoula leopard

Our dog bite attorney reports that a 3-year-old girl was bitten by a Catahoula Leopard dog on Monday in the San Diego area. The owner of the dog gave her and her mother permission to pet the dog when it unexpectedly bit the little girl on the cheek. For the full…

dog biting hand

Over the past several years, there have been more and more reported cases of dog bites. Unfortunately, the damages that are caused by dog bites can be more than just physical. As a dog bite injury attorney, we know that some suffer great emotional stress as well. But the physical…

dog biting arm

The number of dog bite cases are on the rise in America with over 4 million Americans bitten by dogs every year. And our dog attack lawyer can tell you that about 20% of these attacks require hospital treatment. in many cases reconstructive surgery is required. Lake Forest dog bite…

aggressive dog

Regardless of their breed, size, sex, or age, nearly all dogs will bite under the right circumstances. by understanding the reasons why they do this, you can avoid becoming a Fontana dog bite victim. Our dog bite attorney has put together a list of some of the common reasons dogs bite. Fear…


A dog has a label of being a man’s best friend. a dog can be part of a family. However, there are times when that best friend can turn into someone else’s enemy. Several people suffer dog bites throughout the year. Some of those dog bites are so serious and…

dog at beach

With more and more people owning dogs, attacks are on the rise and account for over 90% of all animal bites. The most common victims are children, followed by men. Hiring a dog bite attorney at Silverthorne Attorneys will greatly increase your ability to receive a decent settlement. When a dog…